

flying probe tester

  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:flying probe tester
  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):Pilot H4
  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:seica
  • 產(chǎn)品文檔:
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Following the winning philosophy which characterized its business in testing over three decades, based on the constant and rapid innovation of its testing solutions, Seica introduces the PILOT NEXT>Series line. This is the new generation of flying probers featuring a renovated and sleek look thanks to the premium materials of the chassis, and innovative electrical worth discovering performances,

flying probe tester


The Pilot H4 Next>series manual represents the best solution for those looking for an economic flying probe test system. This is the ideal solution for low to medium volume production with the ability to expand at a future date. The test area can accommodate 16” x 20” boards with split test. The ATE rack can be expanded with additional analog channels, connectable to an optional external bed of nails test fixture (TPM).

Pilot Pilot H4 Next>series is suitable for:

  • parametric and vectorless tests
  • Tests with powered UUT
  • Boards designed for test (access granted on one side only)
  • Low-volumes
  • Irregular boards (loading with pallets)


  • Testing unit with 4 flying probes on one side
  • Manual loading
  • test vectorless on digital components, in-circuit tests
  • ‘quick-test’ software for functional sequence implementation
  • On-board programming, boundary scan test, visual tests
  • Fixed channel management and power supply units in addition to flying probes
  • Offline Programming and Repair stations
  • Barcode and 2D-code reading management
  • Automated statistics data collection
  • Automated programming via CAD data import
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